You thought the scare was over, but there are still some things you should know about ZIKV, even here at home.  Zika is still prevalent in many southern states, so if you are travelling down south for the holidays keep a few things in mind.  Although ZIKV is primarily transferred by mosquitos, not just any mosquito will give it to you.  In the continental Unites States, there are only two main kinds of mosquitos that will infect you: Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, and A. albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito.  These mosquitos cannot be controlled by normal standards of pest control, though; they are not killed by spraying the air around them.  The most efficient form of mosquito control is to find the breeding ground.  Any place that is constantly wet, like a garden or planter, should have the entire area sprayed down with insecticide.  Following these few easy tips will help your thanksgiving or winter break be a happy and healthy one.



  1. Jerome Goddard. “Essential Facts About Mosquito Control and Zika Virus,” The American Journal of Medicine (2016), Accessed Oct. 28, 2016.
